标记的好像不对吧暖暖 免费 高清 中文视频在线观看不是 12 集最后一季分上下下(final of final)是秋天…看到这里基本上都是在争帕岛小队的正义性了…听说完结也无法终结战争是吗…从现实的角度我同意从追巨人这么多年的过程有点难过…
他们自己过河唯一能学会的 - The only thing they're gonna learn crossing that 就是怎么死 is how to die. 队长我觉得这条河可不是 . Don't think this is the place to try 过了这河接下来还有落基山更难 t's this to the Rockies, and then it's worse, 如果他们连河都过不了 If they can't cross a fucking river, 那要怎么翻山越岭 how are they gonna cross the mountains 或是我们先要穿过的那片沙漠 or the goddam desert we go through first?